One Good Thing

Role: UX Designer

Date: 2018

Category: Wechat Mini Program | Community Product

Project Background

"One Good Thing" (一件好事) is initiated by Tencent Charity with the goal of helping individuals leverage the power of their networks and build social impact, promoting the concept that "Everyone can do charity, and even small individuals can change the world." It is a WeChat Mini Program that offers an easy way for people to initiate or participate in small charity projects that bring warmth to their communities.

As of July 2018, the platform has seen approximately 120,000 people initiating or participating in over 700 charity projects through donations, comments, and other forms of engagement. These projects cover a wide range of areas including poverty alleviation, disaster relief, education support, environmental protection, and animal rescue.

Project Goals

To achieve the product goals of increasing project initiation and participation, we systematically analyzed the factors positively and negatively related to these goals using a causal loop diagram. From this, we identified key design focuses that could help achieve the product objectives through experience optimization, including lowering the learning and usage thresholds, increasing rewards, strengthening trust, and enhancing shareability.

Design Strategy & Implementation

For each design goal, we developed corresponding design strategies for various touchpoints within the user experience system. Below are some examples to illustrate these approaches. Below are some key case examples.

Case 1:

Design Goal: Lowering the Usage Threshold
Key Task Flow: Initiating a Project

Design Strategy A:
Provide two ways to fill in project details: one through the web (PC) and the other via mobile. For tasks that involve more complex data entry, we guide users to complete the tasks on the web to reduce the burden of inputting a large amount of content.

Design Strategy B:
Break down and disclose the required information progressively, allowing users to focus on a single task on each page, reducing cognitive load.

Design Strategy C:
Guide users to select or fill in information through questions, and structure the response language. Use emotional copywriting strategies to reduce users' mental load.

Case 2:

Design Goal: Increase personal rewards and provide users with high-level emotional experiences to satisfy needs in Maslow's hierarchy
Key Page: Project Detail Page

Design Strategy: Strengthen the relationship between participants (users) and other roles.

  1. Narrate the project from the perspective of the initiator in the first person to bridge the gap between supporters and initiators, allowing users to trust the project, understand its original intent, and aspire to achieve self-fulfillment through supporting it.

  2. Clearly show the progress of each key milestone of the project on the timeline, allowing users to see how their support contributes to tangible changes for the recipients, providing users with a sense of fullfillment.

Design Validation

This project followed an agile design methodology with collaborative development. After the product launch, we continuously monitored data such as PV, UV, conversion rates, and funnel models. By analyzing these metrics, we quickly iterated and optimized the product to ensure that the final version met user needs effectively.